St. Marcellinus
Died - 413
Feastday - 13 September
created - c.1702-1703 Zena began to work the statue in
1702 and finished it in March 1703.
- Agostino Zena He received 80 scudi for the work. This
the only know work of the stonemason Zena.
- 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine The saint is leaning
against a tree trunk and dressed in a simple mantle. He brings
the right hand to the heart in a gesture of supplication.
is known of Marcellinus. a Roman official and friend of Sts
Augustine and Jerome. He presided in the 411 conference in Carthage
between Catholic bishops and the Donatists. Accused of
complicity with Heraclean, he was martyred in 413. He was not
listed in the Roman Martyrology until the revision by
Baronius in 1586.
Saints on South Colonnade Charlemagne Wing
Marcellinus, 72. Mark
71. Bonaventure
on South Colonnade Charlemagne Wing leading up to St Peter's
(81) to
79. Sebastian, 78. Fabian
77. Prudentia, 76. Praxedes
73. Marcellinus, 72. Mark
The Book of Saints, ©2002 Edited by Dom Basil Watkins, OSB
Le statue berniniani del Colonnato di San Pietro, ©1987 by de Luca
Editore s.t.l.
independent website is not endorsed by or associated with the Vatican,
the Fabbrica of St. Peter's, or any business organization