Location in St Peter's

Founder Saint Statues
39 Saints who founded religious congregations

Square & Area

Vatican City

Colonnade Saints
Floorplan #2
The History

Left Nave
Upper Niches

Left Nave
Lower Niches

Facing Left (South) Side of the Nave (upper & lower)

St Lucy Filippini statue by Silvio Silva, 1949
St. Lucy Filippini

St Louis de Montfort statue by Giacomo Parisini, 1948
St. Louis de Montfort

St Anthony Zaccaria statue by Cesare Aureli, 1909
St Anthony Zaccaria

St Peter Fourier statue by Louis Noel Nicoli, 1899
St Peter Fourier

St Peter of Alcantara statue by Francesco Vergara y Bartual, 1713
St. Peter of Alcantara

St Camillus de Lellis statue by Pietro Pacilli, 1753
St. Camillus de Lellis

St Ignatius Loyola statue by Camillo & Giuseppe Rusconi, 1733
St. Ignatius Loyola

St Francis of Paola statue by Giovanni Battista Maini, 1732
St Francis of Paola

Right Nave
Upper Niches

Right Nave
Lower Niches

West Transepts
Upper Niches

West Transepts
Lower Niches

East Transepts
Upper Niches

East Transepts
Lower Niches





Facing Right (North) Side of Nave (upper & lower)

The ancient statue
of St Peter is in
this location

Left Transept - West Side                                                      Right Transept - West Side

Right Transept - East Side                                              Left Transept - East Side

Left (South) Tribune                                                                       Right (North) Tribune

Left Tribune Uppper & Lower Niches

Right Tribune Uppper & Lower Niches