of Matucci (Tomb O)
'Guide to the Vatican Necropolis' by Michele Basso,
Fabbrica di S. Pietro
front of the ancient tomb of the Matucci is a small
open enclosure with walls of opus reticulatum. To
the west of the tomb is an external stairway which
led to "Field P". The interior has cineraria
in re-used niches.
simple and austerely decorated walls are of plain
yellow spaces, alternating with purple lines and delicate
twigs with tiny leaves.
Basso. Guide to the Vatican Necropolis, Fabbrica
di S. Pietro in Vaticano, 1986
Margherita Guarducci,
The Tomb of St Peter, Hawthorn Books, 1960
John Evangelist Walsh,
The Bones of St Peter, New York, 1982
Toynbee and Perkins. The Shrine of St Peter and the Vatican
Excavations, London 1956
P. Zander. The Vatican Necropolis, in "Roma
Sacra", 25, Roma 2003