1300 Boniface VIII
1350 Clement VI
1390 Urban VI
1400 Boniface IX
1423 Martin V
1450 Nicholas V
1475 Sixtus IV
1500 Alexander VI
1525 Clement VII
1550 Julius III
1575 Gregory XIII
1600 Clement VIII
1625 Urban VIII
1650 Innocent X
1675 Clement X
1700 Innocent XII -
Clement XIV
1725 Benedict XIII
1750 Benedict XIV
1775 Clement XIV -
Pius VI
1825 Leo XII
1875 Pius IX
1900 Leo XIII
1925 Pius XI
1950 Pius XII
1975 Paul VI
2000 John Paul II
Because of political events, the Jubilees of 1800 (Pius VI and Pius
VII) and 1850 (Pius IX) were not celebrated; the 1875 Jubilee was
held without ceremony.
The first one was declared by Leo X in 1518, to help Poland
in its war against the Turks.
The number of these is uncertain: the 1,900th and 1,950 anniversaries
of the Redemption in 1933 (Pius XI) and 1983 (John Paul II) are
well known.
From: 'St. Peter's - Guide
to Basilica and Square'
The last door on the right is the "Holy Door". This door is bricked up
on the inside. On the first day of the Holy Year the Pope strikes the
brick wall with a hammer, and so opens the door to let in the pilgrims
who come to make the most of the indulgence. It will be closed by the
Pope himself at the end of the Holy Year. The Holy Door represents Jesus,
the Good Shepherd and the gate of the sheep pen: "I am the gate. Whoever
enters through me, will be safe. He will go in and out, and find pasture"
(Jn 10:9). The Holy Year is celebrated every 25 years. In this century
two extraordinary Holy Years of Redemption have also been celebrated on
the anniversary of Jesus' death on the Cross: 1933 and 1983. When the
wall is knocked down, the bronze panels of the door made by Vico Consorti
appear. Since 24 December 1949 they have replaced the former wooden panels
made in 1749.
This door is also
called the "Door of the Great Pardon". Its panels portray scenes of man's
sin and his redemption through God's mercy:
1. Through disobedience
Adam and Eve turned away from God and happiness and were chased from the
garden; Mary receives the announcement of salvation from the angel and
directs humanity back to God.
2. Through Baptism,
Jesus permits us to join his People; he comes to seek us when we stray
from him, as the shepherd goes in search of his lost sheep; he awaits
our return and welcomes us at the door, as the father welcomes the prodigal
son; he cures those who are paralyzed sin.
3. Jesus opens the
door of new life to the woman who is sinful but can love; Jesus tells
Peter says that one must forgive seventy times seven times. Jesus trusts
anew in the man who promises fidelity and then denies him; Jesus opens
the door of heaven to the thief who calls on him.
4. Jesus unlocks
the heart of doubting Thomas to the faith; he gives his Spirit to the
Apostles to enable them to forgive sins; he tumbles Paul from his horse
and suddenly opens up a whole new world to him; he knocks at everyone's
door and waits for us to open it.
'St. Peter's Basilica - A Virtual Tour' by Our
Sunday Visitor
At the right end of the atrium is the Holy Door. In 1949 it was furnished
with two bronze wings with eight compartments on each side, produced by
Vico Consorti, known as the "maestro degli usci" (master of the doors)
because of his various works of commemorative doors.
The Door is purposefully
based on a peaceful and expressive decorum and a symmetrical layout, since
it was destined to remain closed, revealing the wall to be knocked down
every Holy Year. Information about this solemn ceremony dates back to
the Jubilee of 1500, under the papacy of Alexander VI, 200 years after
the institution of this solemn pardon by Bonifacius VIII, who established
that the ceremony would be repeated every 100 years. Afterwards, Clement
VI reduced the period to every 50 years, Urban VI to 35 and Paul II to
However, Jubilees
were also celebrated outside these predetermined time periods. For example
in 1933, with the Jubilee proclaimed by Pius XI to celebrate the anniversary
of the death of the Redeemer and in 1983, with the one proclaimed by John
Paul II, which is commemorated in one of the marble memorial stones located
above the Door. The other stone refers to the last Jubilee celebrated
by Paul VI.
From: Guide to
St Peter's Basilica, © 2003, Libreria
Editrice Vaticana
Last to the right of the atrium is the Holy Door (3.65m X 2.30m). It was
closed with a rough wall until 1949, as it was framed with marbles commissioned
by Gregory XII for the Jubilee of 1575, then renewed by Paul V. In 1949
the Bishop Francesco Von Streng donated the two bronze panels for the
Swiss Catholics, as an ex-voto, because his land was saved from war. It
is a work of art full of quiet expressivecomposure and symmetric structure,
divided into sixteen rectangular panels distributed in four orders, divided
by the coat-of-arms of the thirty six Popes, who celebrated the ordinary
Holy Years.
The best English resource on the Holy Door is the book by Virgilio Cardinal
Noč, 'The Holy Door in St. Peter's', Ats Italia Editrice, 1999, ISBN 88-86542-69-0.