Location on North Colonnade

41. St. Pontian
The 140 Saints of the Colonnade

Location Area
North Colonnade - Curved Arm

The Square

Vatican City

Colonnade Saints
Floorplan #2

The History

Related Items
Saints 1-21
Saints 22-44
Saints 45-70
Saints 71-96
Saints 97-119
Saints 120-140























St. Pontian
Born - c.156
Died - 14 January 175

Feastday - 19 January

Statue created  c.1667-1668
This is part of a 16 installed between May 1667 and July 1668.

Sculptor - Andrea Baratta
This mediocre statue perhaps relates to Baratta, sculptor of six states on the curved arms of the colonnade.

Height - 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine
In his left hand he holds the palm of martyrdom.  He is covered in lnly a mantle that surrounds his sides.

Pontian was a martyr in Spoleto during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.



Saints on North Colonnade

Agnes, Genesius, Pontian

Saints on North Colonnade
Below Apostolic Palace

  41. Pontian
40. Columba
39. Mamas
38. Malchus
37. Benignus
36. Barbara
35. Fausta
34. Candida
33. Apollonius
32. Didymus


Roma Sacra - San Pietro in Vaticano, Itineraries 21-22, ©Fabbrica of St. Peter's, July 2001
Le Statue Berniniani del Colonnato di San Pietro by Valentino Martinelli ©1987 by de Luca Editore


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