Location on North Colonnade


2. St Leonard
The 140 Saints of the Colonnade

Location Area
North Front Opening

The Square

Vatican City

Colonnade Saints
Floorplan #2

The History

Related Items
Saints 1-21
Saints 22-44
Saints 45-70
Saints 71-96
Saints 97-119
Saints 120-140























St Leonard - North Colonnade, St Peter's Square


St Leonard of Noblac
Died - c.559

Feastday - 16 November

Statue created - c.1666

Sculptor - Unknown
This statue, like others above the colonnade entrance, is not attributable to any of the known sculptors working in the Bernini studio. Lazzaro Morelli, Giovanni Maria de Rossi, Andrea Baratta and others were active carving saints for the colonnade during this time.

Height - 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine
Represented in monastic robes, the saint's right hand is raised while his left holds a book.

St Leonard is the traditional founder of the abbey of Noblac, around which the town of Saint-Leonard-de-Noblat grew. As a monastic founder, it's appropriate that he holds a rule book as an attribute. The Roman Martyrology 2004 describes him simply as a hermit.


St Leonard & St Petronilla

3. Petronilla and 2. Leonard  
North Colonnade in background
Queue to enter St Peter's
St Leonard looks toward St Peter's Basilica
2. St Leonard
from Right - Sts. Leonard, Petronilla Vitale, Tecla
5. Thecla, 4. Vitalis, 3. Petronilla, 2. Leonard




Roma Sacra - San Pietro in Vaticano, Itineraries 21-22, ©Fabbrica of St. Peter's, July 2001
Le Statue Berniniani del Colonnato di San Pietro by Valentino Martinelli ©1987 by de Luca Editore


Contact: stpetersbasilica@gmail.com