St. Basilissa
- Martyr
Died - first century
- Giovanni Battista Antonini In 1703 he received a down
payment of 10 scudi and the balance of 70 scudi.
created - c.1702-1703 On 4 June 1702 Antonini undertook
to execute the statue and delivered it on 10 August 1703.
- 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine Like many of the statues,
the hands have been heavily restored. In 1791 three
fingers of the right hand were redone, and in 1831-33 both
hands were remade.
sculpture probably depicts the noble Roman woman Basilissa,
who was martyred according to the Roman Martyrology with
Anastasia during Nero's persecution. It is possible that
she was the wife of St Julian, martyred at Antioch in the
fourth century.
Saints on South Colonnadebr>Charlemagne Wing
85. Basilissa, 84. Hippolytus
Saints on South Colonnade Charlemagne Wing
85. Basilissa, 84. Hippolytus
Roma Sacra - San Pietro in Vaticano, Itineraries 21-22, ©Fabbrica
of St. Peter's, July 2001
Le Statue Berniniani del Colonnato di San Pietro by Valentino
Martinelli ©1987 by de Luca Editore
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the Fabbrica of St. Peter's, or any business organization