Known as the
"Clementine" Chapel after Pope Clement VIII (1592-1605)
who commissioned its decorative cycle to include precious marbles,
mosaics and stucco surfaces, on occasion of the Great Jubilee Year
On the marble
pavement the Papal coat of arms is delineated, while above, the
cupola is decorated with mosaics and gilt stucco reliefs designed
by Cristofo Roncalli (known as the "Pomarancio") in 1603
To the left:
Funerary Monument of Pope Pius VII (1800-1823), designed and executed
by the sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen in 1831.
"You are
Peter and on this rock I will edify my Church"
(Matthew 16, 18)
The Clementine
Chapel and adjacent spaces contain the Altar of St. Gregory the
Great, Monument to Pius VII, Altar of the Lie and Altar of the Transfiguration